Friday 5 October 2012

Phrasal Verbs with 'stand'

Stand around = doing very little e.g. We were just standing around waiting for the concert to start.

Stand back = to move away from someone/something e.g. Stand back a bit because the oil is hot and it might burn you.

Stand over someone = to stand close to see what someone is doing e.g. My boss stood over me to see what I was going to write in the email.

Stand back = to consider a problem as an outsider e.g. We need to stand back and think about if for a few days before making a decision.

Stand by = to wait and be ready to do something e.g. There is always a doctor who stands by just in case there is an emergency.

Stand by someone = to continue to support/help someone in a difficult situation e.g. Her family stood by her when she lost her job.

Stand by something = to continue to believe a decision is correct e.g. I know the contestants disagree but I stand by my choice.

Stand down = to leave an important job so that someone else can do it e.g. The economy isn’t doing well and I think it’s time for the Prime Minister to stand down.

Stand in = to do someone else’s job for a short while or to replace a person who is away e.g. I’m standing in for Tim as he couldn’t be here today.

Stand for something = a letter represents a word e.g. U.N. stands for United Nations.

Stand out = noticeable because of differences e.g. He’s got pink hair so he stands out!

Stand someone up = to fail to meet someone e.g. I waited for an hour until I realized I had been stood up and he wasn’t coming on our date.

Stand up for something = to defend something/someone that you believe is important e.g. They were teasing the young child and I stood up for him.

Stand up to something = to state your opinion forcefully e.g. We stood up to the manager who was trying to increase our working hours.

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