Wednesday 5 June 2013

Academic Writing - Model Answer (Task 1)

The bar graphs show the benefits and drawbacks of living in London as part of a three year survey. The line graph shows the respondents' thoughts on litter, air quality and noise in the city.

Over 40% of those asked over the three-year period liked London for the range of shops it offered. Job opportunities and living in a multi-cultural society featured at about 35% in the three years. Museums and art galleries gained popularity, increasing from 30% to 35%. Night life and transportation ranged between 20% and 25% as the best features of living in this city.

Traffic congestion and high costs of living made London less attractive as indicated by the high percentages (between 50% and 60%) in the three years. Even though 57% saw crime as a negative feature in year 1, the percentage dropped to around 40% in the following years. High housing costs stood at 35% during this time span, as did transport in year 1. 10% less respondents viewed transport negatively in year 2 and 3.

Litter was seen as a major problem in London by 70% of people answering “yes” in the survey in year 1 and 3 with slightly more in year 2. Air quality had a slight decrease from 65% to 62% as did noise from 59% to 58%.

While the variety of shops made London a good city to live in, the cost of living and traffic were viewed as bad characteristics of the city. Similarly, litter was also believed to be a major problem.

Question taken from Exam Essentials IELTS Practice Tests p.148

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