Thursday 29 May 2014

Academic Writing - Task 2 (Model Answer)

Nowadays the way modern society is developing is being shaped by people's migration to large cities. In what ways is migration to large cities affecting society? Has this become a positive or negative development?

Mega cities have sprung up around the world, particularly in countries like China. People move from rural areas to urban areas in search of a better life. Cities also attract people from towns and villages because they have work opportunities, facilities like schools and hospitals as well as entertainment facilities.

Cities are large, unfriendly and competitive places to live in. As a result citizens become isolated and depressed. This has an impact on family life and people have a problem with social interactions. When people migrate to cities this leads to a loss of values, traditions and a simple lifestyle that existed in the countryside.

Supporting a large city puts a strain on resources. More energy is needed to run businesses, factories, public transport, facilities etc. Public institutions such as schools, universities and hospitals are overcrowded and this means they are understaffed and offer poor services.

Feeding cities is also problematic and this has an impact on the quality of mass produced food. The fast pace of a city and the stress of everyday life makes people physically and mentally ill. For these reasons I believe that migration to urban areas is a negative development.

Perhaps the only positive outcome of migration to central areas is the increased opportunities it offers to young people especially in terms of work and having an interesting social life. Large cities are constantly evolving and rely on large numbers of people to keep them in motion as well as to contribute to the wealth of a country.

Question taken from Direct to IELTS Student's Book p.117

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