Which do you consider to be the major influence?
The nature versus nurture debate has been an ongoing one. Personality studies are considered important as they show why humans behave in a particular way. Are they due to genetic factors, that is, do the characteristics we are born with influence who we are or are external social and environmental factors key players in development?
Life experiences influence our personality and future development. For example, a person who grows up in poverty may turn out to be humble and appreciate the simple things in life. Positive and negative experiences particularly those acquired in childhood, form part of our personality. People who have had a difficult upbringing for example, may be equipped with survival instincts or defence mechanisms.
Characteristics that we are born with are often inherited from our parents before we begin imitating them. These are in-built and strong and don’t only relate to physical likeness. We often hear comments like, “you remind me of your mother. You are both kind and good natured.” Despite the changes to our environment, these characteristics stay with us. An example can be the case of adopted children who still have strong personality resemblances with their biological family.
I think both factors influence a person’s personality, with the strongest being that of in-built characteristics. These are acquired first, are natural and genetic. The external environment also plays a role in shaping who we are but to a lesser extent. In-built characteristics determine how we are going to act towards our environment.
Cambridge Ielts 5 past papers, p. 99
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